Sunday, December 17, 2017

Move of the Month: Speed Skater

Welcome back to Move of the Month.

Each month, we showcase (interesting, fun) move from an expert Train Like a Mother Coach that most runners can easily add to their routine to make their bodies more prepared for the miles.

This month, we're hitting the trails (kind of) with Ultra Coach Stephanie Howe Violett. In addition to coaching the 50k and 50-mile programs in the Train Like a Mother Club, Stephanie is a crazy accomplished elite trail runner and holds a PhD in exercise science and nutrition.

Coach Stephanie demonstrates the Speed Skater; her version emphasizes hip stability and balance, as well as glute strength.

(Miss last month's Dead Bug with Swiss Ball? )

A few pointers from Coach Stephanie:

First: Be sure your leg is in alignment (hip over knee over ankle) when you start. When you land, you should also check that it is aligned.

Two: Land each stride and hold the position, keeping your hips level. This isn't a speed move; it's a control, balance, and stability move.

Do this move two to three times each week; Coach Stephanie recommends starting one set, 10-15 second set of skaters, and working up, set-wise, from there.

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